Hello friends and Happy New Year!
It was so so cold in Austin this holiday. The U.S. got hit with some arctic blasts and we probably shouldn’t complain–some northern states are experiencing dangerous sub-zero temperatures. But going from sandal weather to icicles on our porch was really disorienting! We still braved it out for 30 minutes to talk a bit about the New Year.
Every year Derek writes down vision and words for the coming year, so this year we decided to record it.
The big word this year? UNITY.
On a newsy note…
This year we want to get down to podcasting a little more regularly! And make it easier for you to find and subscribe.
Being the tech nerd I am, I tried a few different podcast hosts. Once we got past 4 episodes I was going to have to spend some money. (Podcast hosting is not free, because audio files are huge!) We’re keeping our podcast on Soundcloud, because it’s super easy to use. You can listen to episodes in one of 3 ways:
directly on this website
For the newbies: If you are brand new to podcasts, the best way to keep up with new episodes is through a subscription in iTunes (or Apple Podcasts on iPhone).